Client: TRIS - Tjejers Rätt i Samhället
Sector: Human Rights
Case: graphic identity / re-branding
Product: logotypes / graphic profile / graphic manual / marketing materials
Production company: Majority Design
My role: graphic design / illustration / layout & print production
Year: 2019 / 2020
TRIS - Tjejers Rätt i Samhället is a Swedish organisation that works against honour related violence and oppression. Working for everyone’s right to live in freedom, they are specialised in helping young people, supporting individuals, but also organising lectures for government controlled businesses and writing method books based on studies. Starting up in the early 2000’s, they decided it was time to update their visual expression in 2019 and I helped them out with the commission.
Simplify & Emphasise
During our start up workshop it was clear that they wanted to keep their signature colour, pink. As for the logotype they wanted a full remake, and wished for a word mark that included both their name and the acronym. Keywords for the logo and graphic profile were safe, professional, empowering, strong, simple and modern. My take on this was to create heavy weight sanserif logotype, and make the “i” in TRIS into an exclamation mark. The thought behind this is that the topics they deal with is very important and can at times become acute.

To keep the graphic profile clean, I decided for the main colours to be grayscale together with the pink. TRIS needed some additional colours to be used for info graphics to present statistics in charts, and those were selected to be possible to sort out by people with colour blindness. To match the boldness of the logo, I chose the fonts Lato and Roboto for their typography. I also created a number of simple shapes for them to use as graphic elements.
The graphic manual includes several pages of examples and inspiration on how to implement the new visual expression in print, merch, social media, web, e-mails and presentations.
In addition to this, I helped them with the layout and print production of two roll-ups. Later on I made two posters for them to hand out to schools together with gift boxes, to raise awareness about forced marriage.